

Life / goes on. // The cats still demand their food, / the garbage trucks still rumble by, / your throat still craves cold liquids.

Ghost Apples

Ghost Apples

Here in the old / Enchantments / you can find remnants / of her still, / her smile a ragged / and torn tarn shore, / her perfume / the come-gone scent / of slapdash rain.

Pilot Narratives

Pilot Narratives

For me, the grim realities of flight did not negate The Little Prince— / instead, I became more certain / that everything Saint-Exupéry said was true: / that same sincere voice, that never-lost child’s wonder / at being alive.

Soul Lanterns

Soul Lanterns

Our loft starship, tear-shaped pod of night, / Glows inward with familial joy, / A hearth of laughter, warm, bright— / Hearts leap across deep space…