Mithila Review publishes excellent science fiction, fantasy, poetry, reviews, excerpts, and articles from award-winning and emerging writers around the world.

We seek to publish stories that birth creative thought and positive action. Stories that accurately describe our world, and triumph over fear, mistrust and despair. Stories that guide us and the future. Because the world needs saving, and honestly, nothing works better than positive and powerful stories of belief and wonder. Please subscribe or donate to Mithila Review to help us find,  curate, publish and spread diverse, original and impactful stories for the borderless citizens.


Adele Gardner, Avra Margariti, David A. Hewitt, D.A. Xiaolin Spires, Elaine Vilar Madruga, M. Bennardo, Mary Soon Lee, Phoebe Low, Qurat Dar, Timothy Bastek, Toshiya Kamei, Uma Menon & Wren Wallis. Cover art by Edward Hicks (1848).    

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Zen and the Art of Gaia Maintenance

"Big oil companies are either slowly dying out, or adapting […] Slowly, for the first time in two hundred years, CO2-levels in the atmosphere are falling." — a quadripartite prelude — —The crisis is big, my children, so big that the distinctions between reality and...


Meet the last generation of human truck drivers before self-guided vehicles replaced them. Photograph: Andrus Ciprian Specs and Gretchen the Grunt and Okie Kid met for coffee once a week at the truck stop. Self-driving cabs would drop them off, then return to town to...

The Ones Who Scream America

It was early evening when he knocked at my door. I was sorting darks from lights. His black suit and badge and manner made you forget whether he’d offered his name which you’d now forgotten or hadn’t offered it at all. He said in the vaguest of terms I was a person of...


Wait until the rain pauses, we said. Give yourselves a break. Let the planet breathe.

Paradise of the Abyss

Piedad launched herself over the city’s crater, from the heart of Paradise of the Abyss: a beacon of new ecologies twirling out multispecies habitats of topical flora and fauna, where creche raised Piedad could live a life of creativity and abundance.

In My Utopias

The trees have overtaken the world again. We’ve had to learn to live in them, around them, to let their roots be ours. The heartwood of each tree is a sacred object, as it should have been for years. The flowers fill us with tenderness.

Hopepunk: When Hope Meets Action

A special edition of Mithila Review devoted to Hopepunk — a literature of resistance, which seeks to inspire compassionate thought and positive action.

“Hope” and “punk” are the two key elements that make hopepunk interesting and powerful. Characters who don’t quit, who resist oppression, and fight for justice, for change, for democracy. There can’t be hopepunk without an underlying and undying faith in global democracy and freedom.

The Rhythms of the World

As always, we’re starving to death. From our place inside the leather pouch tied to Aamsaa’s belt, our two remaining stalks ache with hunger, barely able to hold our withered green-spotted spore caps upright. We reach down with what’s left of our network of hyphal...

Harefoot Express

The sun rose magenta, touching the blinds and prompting them to open. Zephyr yawned, stretching his arms to the light that filled his bedroom. He commanded the south glass-wall to slide down. The canto of the robins and the scent of ripe saskatoons along city...

This is My Home

“Why did you kill the cow?” It hadn’t been my daughter’s first awkward question, but it was the first that I can remember. I remember it because it was the first time she hadn’t been satisfied with the answer I gave her. Her understanding of the world had grown, and...


They called her the Milkman. They did so without understanding the origin of the word, or the gender connotations it had once held. To them she was a simple savior, the person who helped feed their babies when there was nothing left in or for them. I knew her as Sara....

Sami Ahmad Khan’s Star Warriors of the Modern Raj: Materiality, Mythology and Technology of Indian Science Fiction

If Suparno Banerjee isolated four aspects with which to understand Indian SF – epistemic base, time of unfolding, space of action, and characters’ identity – in Star Warriors Khan has given us three more – materiality, mythology, and technology – with the additional promise of antekaal and neoMONSTERS possibly adding further critical axes to the discussion in the (hopefully near) future.