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Derek Anderson, Christian Monson, Daniel McKay, Elijah Petty, Amy Collini, J. Check, Chloé Agar, S. Qiouyi Lu, Kate Shannon, Archita Mittra, Rachel Rodman, Josh Pearce, Jennifer Crow, Pia Bhatia, Prashanth Gopalan & Anthony Perconti

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Your Dinner

I’m not sure whether to wipe my cheeks or stay dead. Vincente insisted this morning, every morning, “Absolutely still. A stone. Eyes to the sky, searching for heaven. If you stare long enough, you’ll see it.”

The Trial of Tesslin VanGlaise

“Tesslin VanGlaise stands accused of assaulting a rider,” the inquisitor continued, while she could feel his eyes drinking in the sight of her, “and of practising magic for some years prior to doing so.”

Corvid Dreams

In the dream, you told me / the raven’s secrets, the names / by which crows call themselves, / the secret powers of jays.

Sorcerers’ Highway

She and I are alive, along with half the city’s sorcerers. The enemy fleet has entirely vanished, together with every male sorcerer in Flowers and Summer. The day is ours, but at what cost?

Pilot Narratives

For me, the grim realities of flight did not negate The Little Prince— / instead, I became more certain / that everything Saint-Exupéry said was true: / that same sincere voice, that never-lost child’s wonder / at being alive.

Soul Lanterns

Our loft starship, tear-shaped pod of night, / Glows inward with familial joy, / A hearth of laughter, warm, bright— / Hearts leap across deep space…


Forget he held me in his arms / before our burnt bones shared an urn. // Forget the past and let us rest. / Step up. Bow. Take your own turn.


Life / goes on. // The cats still demand their food, / the garbage trucks still rumble by, / your throat still craves cold liquids.