A Journal of International Science Fiction & Fantasy. Estd. 2015.
Mithila Review publishes excellent science fiction, fantasy, poetry, reviews, excerpts, and articles from award-winning and emerging writers around the world. We seek to publish stories that birth creative thought and positive action. Stories that accurately describe our world, triumph over fear, mistrust and despair, and guide the future. Because the world needs saving, and honestly, nothing seems to work better than amazing stories. Please subscribe or donate to Mithila Review to help us find, create, publish and spread original voices and impactful stories.

Lesson Plan
I light the classroom up with the map of the night sky and point out / some of the more recognizable stars clusters to the children in the room.

My ears ring like the bell in the old village church before the soldiers burned it and its inhabitants to the ground. I do not recognize the symptoms of this malady.

Contingency Plans for the Apocalypse by S.B. Divya
There has been some debate in recent months over whether there exists a distinct writing endeavour that can be accurately described as “South Asian speculative fiction” – along the lines of Afrofuturism, Africanfuturism, or Chinese SFF. Is there a coherence to the contemporary speculative fiction that is coming out of the several South Asian nations – a unity of theme, or style, or topics?

“Upshot takes place soon after the end of the Guatemalan civil war…” — Drema Deòraich
“Upshot” takes place soon after the end of the Guatemalan civil war in the cloud forest, Ixil region, of Guatemala.

Deborah L. Davitt on Writing “The Ghost Teas of Sakruajima” and Researching Folk Magic in the Sengoku Jidai Period in Japan
“The Ghost Teas of Sakruajima” is a ghost story about love, loss, denial, and acceptance, in Warring States Japan.

Making Sense of Absurd, All-Encompassing, Terrifying Super-Capitalism with Dennis Mombauer
I really like the concept of selling and trading unusual, immaterial or even metaphysical goods and explore this idea of an absurd, all-encompassing, terrifying super-capitalism.

Kirby; Or Everything I Needed to Know About Consumption
I’m buried in hypocrisy, to look like a pink and innocent toy, acte clair — the good guy, a pillow for those in need to lie on, but instead bequeathing labor, when working hard is just a yarn that was told, to those not too old in the brain to mold

Talking in Circles
The automatons in the manufacturing plant express themselves with lightning, / send messages in blue and white fire from one end of the warehouse / to the other.

Social Media Manticore
Now you rest, I chuckle, / the world kindles and kills / itself without us.

The Kiss of the Water
Lima needed clean water, which brought life and no more stomach worms, like ones swimming in the unhealthy pit in the mining settlement. Although they boiled the water, it was always contaminated with metal scraps. Lima got up with the empty wineskin in her hand and started on her way back home.