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Priya Sarukkai Chabria, Theodore Singer, Vanessa Fogg, H. Pueyo, Donna J. W. Munro, Hannah Frankel, Yilin Wang, Lynne Sargent, Mack W. Mani, Adele Gardner, Mary Soon Lee, Mari Ness, Ishita Singh, Gautam Bhatia, Chaitanya Murali, D. P. Singh, Tarun K. Saint, Rajat Chaudhuri and Jvalant Nalin Sampat
ART by John Glover
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Ishita Singh “All true knowing is mutual…”: Notes on Vandana Singh’s Ambiguity Machines and Other Stories
Gautam Bhatia A Delicate Magic: Iona Datt Sharma’s Not For Use in Navigation
Chaitanya Murali Avatar: An English-Italian Anthology of Contemporary Science Fiction from India
D. P. Singh Science Fiction Writings in Punjabi: The Contemporary Scenario

Super Mario; Or, Everything I Needed to Learn About Relationships
Photograph by June Intharoek All relationships can be linked to Super Mario (who is you — implicitly an immigrant, only ever seen as a stereotype to those of the “kingdom,” and all your friends are toads and your clothes are never in style but styled old) Mushrooms,...
Sonya, Josephine, and the Tragic Re-Invention of the Telephone
Sonya imagined escape after escape—run like hell? Scream for help? […] She resolved to make her death a screaming, thrashing one. Give the woman a few scars or bruises to remember her by.
The Carnival of Human Nature
“Kindly take off your armor and write it on these sheets of paper. You will get it back on exit. Please put your shoes, gloves, helmets and masks in this basket. You must enter the cardinal chambers willingly, and you must do so naked.”
and our flesh buzzes with sentience / as seething intelligence infiltrates / the musculature and mind
The Executioner General
In terms of the legal system, volunteering would be a viable alternative to life in prison. Volunteers would never return to Earth once they left, so the British government acquiesced to let him sign up.
The Satyr’s Acolyte
The serpentine deities, Nehushtan and Ophidia, once conjoined twins, they devoured Godda’s forbidden windfalls and had their embrace cleaved asunder.
Vestiges of you
She leaps along the shoreline / Her feet playing life and death / Water droplets burning her flesh // Beyond the shattered concrete / The red fading, the bridge sinking / Your cities rise, blue jagged into the sky
Flower Arranging at the End of the Japanese Empire
At home I told my mom, “My flower sensei said I lack a Japanese soul. Said I was hopeless and a danger. Said I was harboring peonies about to explode into full-blown rebellion, like the terrorists down south. He treated me as if I was a Shin-Kalifonia sympathizer.”
Mud Dauber Wasp Nest
Some Yung Dynasty’s expert woodcarver captured this monk’s hot blaze of mystery… It knew well its place in time and space; no need to plan for how to find a grace.
Tethered and Tied
The little ships fly off and disappear like the seeds of a dandelion head / carrying with them the wonder and dreams of the people left behind.
The Ghost Teas of Sakurajima
“If I don’t kill this tea-master, this Kahoru . . . Hidemitsu will take it as a betrayal, won’t he? And he will call for my death, in turn.”
Lesson Plan
I light the classroom up with the map of the night sky and point out / some of the more recognizable stars clusters to the children in the room.
My ears ring like the bell in the old village church before the soldiers burned it and its inhabitants to the ground. I do not recognize the symptoms of this malady.
Contingency Plans for the Apocalypse by S.B. Divya
There has been some debate in recent months over whether there exists a distinct writing endeavour that can be accurately described as “South Asian speculative fiction” – along the lines of Afrofuturism, Africanfuturism, or Chinese SFF. Is there a coherence to the contemporary speculative fiction that is coming out of the several South Asian nations – a unity of theme, or style, or topics?
“Upshot takes place soon after the end of the Guatemalan civil war…” — Drema Deòraich
“Upshot” takes place soon after the end of the Guatemalan civil war in the cloud forest, Ixil region, of Guatemala.