Issue 7, January-March 2017

Issue 7_Cover
Art by Archan Nair

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Mithila Review publishes science fiction, fantasy, poetry, essays and interviews from around the world. Please subscribe to our quarterly issues via Weightless Books, or pledge your support to Mithila Review on Patreon to receive the ebook (epub/mobi) versions of our current and upcoming issues. You can also purchase this issue directly from Amazon, PayHip or InstaMojo (IN).

Issue 7, Jan-March 2017


Spectacular Worlds in Translation
Salik Shah


Cixin Liu: Chinese Readers Care About the Whole Humanity
刘慈欣: 中国读者关心整个人类文明

Quo Vadis, Czech Speculative Fiction? A Round Table Discussion
Jaroslav Mostecký, Vlado Ríša, Martin Šust & Julie Novakova

Kam kráčí česká fantastika? Panelová diskuse
Jaroslav Mostecký, Vlado Ríša, Martin Šust & Julie Novakova

Latin American Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror: A Round Table Discussion
Carlos Hernandez, David Bowles, Ernest Hogan, Sabrina Vourvoulias, Silvia Moreno-Garcia & William Alexander


Axes on Viola
Jaroslav Mostecký

American Moat
Carlos Hernandez

La Gorda and the City of Silver
Sabrina Vourvoulias

Winds That Stir Vermilion Sands
David Bowles

Ernest Hogan

The Twelve Rules of Etiquette at Miss Firebird’s School for Girls
Gwendolyn Kiste


The Saint Of Small Things, Weeping
Margaret Wack

The Gifts
Sandi Leibowitz

Life by the river
Jamie Samdahl

The Study
Mari Ness

The Process
Sonya Taaffe



Heart of the Labyrinth: Myth as the Starting Point for Storytelling
Priya Sharma

Glimpses of the Evolving Beast: The Mumble Jumble of a Translator
Shaoyan Hu

Fidelity, Meaning, and Metadata: Observations of a New Translator
Andy Dudak


Invisible Planets: Contemporary Chinese Science Fiction in Translation
Isha Karki

The East is a Setting: Issues of Place, Theme, and Tone in Ian McDonald’s River of Gods and Beyond
Gautam Bhatia

Landscape Of Dreams: Metronome by Oliver Langmead
Aditya Singh

Recent Online Publications:

A Brief Introduction to Chinese Science Fiction
Regina Kanyu Wang

A Binge-Reader’s Companion to Cixin Liu’s The Three-Body Trilogy
Salik Shah

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Available to purchase on Amazon and Weightless Books